
Сертифікат особливого зразка "Школа миру" 2023-2024 навчальний рік.

У 2023-2024 навчальному році 142 заклади загальної середньої освіти м.Харкова, що представляють 8 районів міста, долучилися до проекту "Школа миру". Учасники отримали сертифікат особливого зразка. 



Congratulations on International Teachers' Day from Serhii Samoilov, Director of Youth Programs, International Association of UN Peacekeepers AISP/SPIA.


Dear teachers, friends!

We congratulate you with all our hearts on this wonderful professional holiday! Your work is not just a profession, it is a calling that requires great patience, love, and devotion. You not only teach children and young people, but also shape their personality, help them learn life values, and prepare them for adulthood.

You contribute to the formation of a conscious and responsible approach to global challenges, and your ideas, support, and active participation in initiatives inspire and create positive changes in society.

Happy holiday! We wish you health, inspiration, and new successes. May every day bring joy from the results of your work, and may your students become a source of pride for you and for all of humanity!

Serhii Samoilov, Director of Youth Programs, International Association of UN Peacekeepers AISP/SPIA.

Вітання з нагоди Дня працівників освіти та Міжнародного дня вчителя. Greetings on the occasion of Education Workers' Day and International Teacher's Day.

Dear educators - family members, friends, colleagues, partners!
We heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday! We express our sincere gratitude to those who teach children in schools, in institutions of secondary vocational education, in universities of all profiles. Separately, we congratulate our colleagues - teachers and employees of higher education institutions of the security and defense sector.
But, most importantly - childhood, youth - it is impossible to separate these concepts from education, peace and sustainable development, from what is most important and valuable in our lives. Dear educators, happy holiday!
We thank you for your professionalism, patience, understanding and comprehensive support, including our projects "School of Peace" and "Young Peacemaker", "The World I Want to Live in!"
Acting Chairman of the Board of 
NGO "Union of UN Peacekeepers"
Oleksandr Doroshenko.